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Toplam 6421 sonuçtan 41 - 50 arası görüntüleniyor.
  • Patricia Wilcox Peterson
    metin - İngilizce
    1 Ayrım
    4,54 MB
    Eser Türü: Dersler
  • Virginia Woolf
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    20 Ayrım
    238,63 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Seslendiren: Damla Tezel
    In A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas, Virginia Woolf considers with energy and wit the implications of the historical exclusion of women from education and from economic independence. In A Room of One's Own (1929), she examines the work of past women writers, and looks ahead to a time when women's creativity will not be hampered by poverty, or by oppression. In Three Guineas (1938), however, Woolf argues that women's historical exclusion offers them the chance to form a political and cultural identity which could challenge the drive towards fascism and war.
  • Tuna Kiremitçi
    metin - Türkçe
    2 Ayrım
    659,46 KB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Hayatın her köşesinde adımlarını duyacaksınız Tuna Kiremitçi’nin. Hayatın her köşesine dair fikirlerini işiteceksiniz, duygularına tanık olacaksınız. Bazen bir çığlık gibi gelecek sesi kulaklarınıza, bazen de sevdayı, ayrılığı, hüznü fısıldayacak kendi sesinden bile ürkercesine. Tuna Kiremitçi’yi kahramanlarının ötesinde, kahramanlarının dışında, Tuna Kiremitçi olarak bulacaksınız karşınızda. Bir baba, bir erkek, bir dost, bir yazar olarak onu bir kez daha tanıyacaksınız. Bazen eski bir şarkının peşine düşeceksiniz onunla birlikte, bazen de onun rehberliğinde yeni öykülere açacaksınız yüreğinizi... Işıklı caddeler ıssız patikalarla, sonbahar rüzgârları sıcak sevişmelerle buluşacak kitabı okurken... Kiremitçi’nin sözcükleri hayattan sayfalar açacak önünüzde, üstelik bu sayfaları birlikte okuyacaksınız onunla. Hayatta kendini hiçbir şeye hazır hissetmeyen, yeni şeyler söylemenin peşinden giden, gökyüzüne işaret fişeği gibi cümleler gönderen, kadınların sevdiği, bazen ihmal ettiği, aşkı sorgulayan, aşkı tanımlamaya çalışan, taze bir babayla karşılaşacaksınız. "A.Ş.K. Neyin Kısaltması?" genç bir yazarın özel dünyasını merak edenler için karşınızda!
  • Philip K. Dick
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    20 Ayrım
    251,56 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
  • Carlos Castaneda
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    1 Ayrım
    142,01 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Seslendiren: Peter Carly
    Set in the early 1970s, A Separate Reality is the story of Mark Grosfeld, a twelve-year-old growing up in Phoenix with politically active liberal Jewish parents. Mark, who is lonely and unhappy, meets Anna Voigt, a teacher who becomes his mentor. Anna, an ex-hippie poet, encourages Mark to write, and he becomes part of a circle of teenagers who meet at Anna's house to smoke pot and read poetry. She introduces him to the Beats, Zen Buddhism and the popular pseudo-anthropologist, Carlos Castaneda, author of Journey to Ixtlan. Mark goes on a semi-comic suburban vision quest, trying to conduct his life according to the teachings he uncovers in the books he finds through Anna — most significantly, Castaneda's. Mark soon discovers all these books share the belief that through a loss of "self" one can, somehow, transcend reality. A Separate Reality is a novel about the risks and appeal of the desire to be perfect; a portrait of the artist as a young man in the Seventies.
  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    2 Ayrım
    43,64 MB
    Eser Türü: Tiyatro
    The story describes a strange hybrid race, half-human and half an unknown creature that resembles a cross between a fish and a frog, that dwells in the seaside village of Innsmouth (formerly a large town, but lately fallen into disrepair). The townspeople worship Cthulhu and Dagon, a Philistine deity incorporated into the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • Alasdair Maclntyre
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    2 Ayrım
    856,85 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
  • Gustave Flaubert
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    7 Ayrım
    80,72 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Seslendiren: Kubra Gurtas Turktekin
  • Faruk Dilaver
    insan sesi mp3 - İngilizce
    26 Ayrım
    559,94 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Seslendiren: Aslı KILINÇ
    “We have known each other through all of eternity. The Beloved is connected to all of us through our inner heart. So how can we be strangers when we know each other so intimately.” Have you ever looked into the eye of love? I was walking in a crowded street with my friend. Suddenly, everyone coming in the opposite direction started greeting him. I thought, “How could this happen? There is no way everyone knows him!” I started writing this book out of this curiosity. In the end, I also looked into the eye of love and became acquainted with our Beloved.
  • Mehmet Emin Demirci
    metin - İngilizce
    1 Ayrım
    74,66 KB
    Eser Türü: Makale
    Several associations for the betterment of the handicapped are functioning in various parts of Turkey. The study was to find out the educational services provided by these associations to their adult clientele. Only the associations for the blind, deaf and dumb, and the bodily handicapped were included in the population. Since majority of these were situated in the three big cities, i.e. istanbul, Ankara and izmir, therefore, the sample was confined to the twenty-six such associations included in the list provided by the governmental sources. Out of these only twelve could be reached due to abolition of these associations after the Association Act 1983 or incorrect recording of addresses in the list provided. Personal and indepth interviews were conducted of the presidents of chief executives of these associations. The study was descriptive. Following observations and conclusions were drawn: 1. Educational serVIces are considered secondary to other serVlces particularly economic adjustment. 2. No planned educational activities are provided. 3. Wherever educational services are provided there exists lack of coordination between sister concerns. 4. The associations face many problems In providing educational services, such as lack of funds, buildings, equipment, teaching staff, support from able bodied persons and institutions and lack of clear cut educational objectives. 5. The associations are looking for help from the state, voluntary organizations and universities for effective running. Follo\ving recommendations are made: 1. Number and nature of handicapped population should be assessed and nationally registered. 2. Closer links are to be established between associations of the same handicapped category and cooperation with others. 3. Systematic need assessment approaches are to be used in order to discover the nature and extent of educational services to be provided. 4. Capacity of the associations for developing and implementing effective services should be improved. 5. Educational services should be planned and enhanced to remove illiteracy and dependancy. 6. Related materials, equipment and funds necessary for education should be provided by the state and other agencies of the society. 7. Experiences of other countries regarding education of the handicapped should be incorporated in the programmes.
