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  • Anna Lawson – Caroline Gooding
    metin - İngilizce
    3 Ayrım
    4,67 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    This book is based on a conference organised jointly by the editors to mark the European Year of Disabled People. It explores the range of legal strategies which have been adopted,both nationally and internationally, to achieve equality for disabled people and facilitate their inclusion into mainstream society. It examines current developments in anti-discrimination law, both within Member States and at EU level. It also assesses the effectiveness and potential of the human rights framework for disabled Europeans. In addition, a number of approaches to the enforcement and promotion of disability rights are considered. Contributors to this book, drawn from across Europe, represent a variety of different backgrounds. They include leading academics in the field, as well as campaigners and others working to improve or enforce disability-related legislation. The book is a unique and timely contribution to an important and rapidly expanding field of study. It will be of relevance to all those, whether lawyers or not, with an interest in disability and equality issues.
  • Calin Barnes – Mike Oliver- Len Barton
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    3 Ayrım
    3,17 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    This volume provides a new and innovative overview of the key issues and debates within the field of disability studies. Over recent years there has been an unprecedented upsurge of interest in the general area of disability and disability studies amongst academics and researchers in universities and colleges throughout the world. This has generated an increasingly expansive literature from a variety of perspectives including cultural studies, development studies, geography, history, philosophy, social policy, social psychology and sociology. "Disability Studies Today" provides an invaluable introduction to newly emergent debates and controversies as well as an overview of this increasingly important field of enquiry.The volume's emphasis is primarily sociological and while the focus is on theoretical innovation and advancement, the arguments presented in this book have important political and policy implications for both disabled and non-disabled people. These arguments are developed from a position of engagement and activism by both established figures and newcomers to disability studies. The topics covered include: the history of the development of disability studies in Britain and America; key ideas, issues and thinkers; the role of the body; divisions and hierarchies; history, power and identity; work, politics and the disabled peoples' movement; globalization, human rights, research and the role of the academy. This book will be an essential textbook for students of disability studies and will be invaluable to scholars, researchers, students, policy makers, professionals, and disabled and non-disabled people interested in human rights and disability.
  • Brendon Gleeson
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    3 Ayrım
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    Eser Türü: Kitap
    This book explains how space, place and mobility have shaped the experiences of disabled people both in the past and in contemporary societies. The key features of this insightful study include: * a critical appraisal of theories of disability and a new disability model * case studies to explore how the transition to capitalism disadvantaged disabled people * an exploration of the Western city and the policies of community care and accessibility regulation. Brendan Gleeson presents an important contribution to the major policy debates on disability in Western societies and offers new considerations for the broader debates on embodiment and space within Geography.
  • Rosemarie Garland Thomson
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    3 Ayrım
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    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Rosemarie Thomson's groundbreaking anthology probes America's disposition toward the visually different. The book's essays fall into four main categories: historical explorations of American freak shows in the era of P.T. Barnum; the articulation of the freak in literary and textual discourses; contemporary relocations of freak shows; and theoretical analyses of freak culture. Essays address such diverse topics as American colonialism and public presentations of natives; laughing gas demonstrations in the 1840's; Shirley Temple and Tom Thumb; Todd Browning's landmark movie Freaks; bodybuilders as postmodern freaks; freaks in Star Trek; Michael Jackson's identification with the Elephant Man; and the modern talk show as a reconfiguration of the freak show. In her introduction, Thomson traces the freak show from antiquity to the modern period and explores the constitutive, political, and textual properties of such exhibits.
  • David T. Mitchell – Sharon L. Snyder
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    3 Ayrım
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    Eser Türü: Kitap
    For years the subject of human disability has engaged those in the biological, social and cognitive sciences, while at the same time, it has been curiously neglected within the humanities. The Body and Physical Difference seeks to introduce the field of disability studies into the humanities by exploring the fantasies and fictions that have crystallized around conceptions of physical and cognitive difference. Based on the premise that the significance of disabilities in culture and the arts has been culturally vexed as well as historically erased, the collection probes our society's pathological investment in human variability and "aberrancy." The contributors demonstrate how definitions of disability underpin fundamental concepts such as normalcy, health, bodily integrity, individuality, citizenship, and morality--all terms that define the very essence of what it means to be human. The book provides a provocative range of topics and perspectives: the absence of physical "otherness" in Ancient Greece, the depiction of the female invalid in Victorian literature, the production of tragic innocence in British and American telethons, the reconstruction of Civil War amputees, and disability as the aesthetic basis for definitions of expendable life within the modern eugenics movement. With this new, secure anchoring in the humanities, disability studies now emerges as a significant strain in contemporary theories of identity and social marginality. Moving beyond the oversimplication that disabled people are marginalized and made invisible by able-ist assumptions and practices, the contributors demonstrate that representation is founded upon the perpetual exhibition of human anomalies. In this sense, all art can be said to migrate toward the "freakish" and the "grotesque." Such a project paradoxically makes disability the exception and the rule of the desire to represent that which has been traditionally out-of-bounds in polite discourse. The Body and Physical Difference has relevance across a wide range of academic specialties such as cultural studies, the sociology of medicine, history, literature and medicine, the allied health professions, rehabilitation, aesthetics, philosophical discourses of the body, literary and film studies, and narrative theory.
  • Tom Shakespeare
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    3 Ayrım
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    Eser Türü: Kitap
    A collection of essays exploring the intellectual implications of a disability equality perspective. Leading social scientists draw on current theory and research and offer an overview of contemporary debates.
  • Michael Oliver
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    3 Ayrım
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    Eser Türü: Kitap
    In this absorbing text by a leading writer and respected activist, theory, policy, historical background and personal experience are combined to give readers a rich and illuminating picture of the key issues raised by disability. In the author's uniquely clear and lively narrative style, the book explores: - The practical and political challenges that disablement presents - Theoretical understandings of disability - Disability law and the realities of policy implementation - Key points of contention for the disability movement This long-awaited new edition of a best-selling text includes new stories from the author's experience, as well as sharply framed debate about the development of policy over the last decade and a half. Its expansive coverage includes discussion of welfare, rehabilitation, special education and normalization. This book is core reading for students of social work, nursing, health and applied social science taking modules in disability studies. Michael Oliver was the first Professor of Disability Studies in the United Kingdom and is Emeritus Professor of Disability Studies at the University of Greenwich, UK. He is the author of the path-breaking The Politics of Disablement and Social Work with Disabled People (in its third edition, co-authored with Bob Sapey).
  • metin - İngilizce
    3 Ayrım
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    Eser Türü: Kitap
    The first ever World report on disability, produced jointly by WHO and the World Bank, suggests that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability. People with disabilities have generally poorer health, lower education achievements, fewer economic opportunities and higher rates of poverty than people without disabilities. This is largely due to the lack of services available to them and the many obstacles they face in their everyday lives. The report provides the best available evidence about what works to overcome barriers to health care, rehabilitation, education, employment, and support services, and to create the environments which will enable people with disabilities to flourish. The report ends with a concrete set of recommended actions for governments and their partners. This pioneering World report on disability will make a significant contribution to implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. At the intersection of public health, human rights and development, the report is set to become a "must have" resource for policy-makers, service providers, professionals, and advocates for people with disabilities and their families.
  • Pete Woodcock
    insan sesi mp3 - Türkçe
    36 Ayrım
    527,65 MB
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Seslendiren: Hande Kurdoğlu
    Demokrasi en iyi yönetim şekli midir? Özgür olmak ne anlama gelir? İnsanlar her anlamda eşit olmalı mıdır? Adil bir toplum yapısı nasıl ortaya çıkarılabilir? Mülkiyet hakkının doğurduğu adaletsizlik giderilebilir mi? Devlet yönetiminde etik yaklaşımlar göz ardı edilebilir mi? İnsan doğuştan iyi midir, kötü müdür? Kapitalizm, sosyalizm, faşizm nedir, kimlere hizmet eder? Yazar Pete Woodcock, siyaset teorisinin bu temel sorularını geçmişten günümüze dünya düşünce tarihine yön vermiş filozofların yaklaşımları çerçevesinde ele alıyor; Sokrates’i, Platon’u, John Locke’u, Thomas Hobbes’u, Jean Jacques Rousseau’yu, Nietzsche’yi ve daha nice büyük düşünürü birbirleriyle tartışmaya sokarak ve yaklaşımlarını temel unsurlarıyla aktararak bu soruların yanıtlarını ve siyasetin doğasını gözler önüne seriyor. Siyaset teorisini ve dünyanın bugün bulunduğu durumu anlamak ve yorumlamak açısından geçmişten günümüze temel kabul edilen siyasi öğretiler, bu kitapta sade, anlaşılır ve çarpıcı biçimde okura sunuluyor.
  • Sonia Choquette
    insan sesi mp3 - Türkçe
    Eser Türü: Kitap
    Seslendiren: Ayşen Öztürk
    Kişisel Gelişşim Kitabı
